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China – A Selection Of 54 Pictures

In Chengyang, a Dong Village near Sanjiang, Guilin region, China

In Chengyang, a Dong Village near Sanjiang, Guilin region, China

We traveled the 30 days our visa permitted throughout China’s southwestern provinces in Mai 2008: Guangxi (Guilin, Yangshuo), Sichuan (Chengdu, Leshan, Emei Shan), Yunnan (Lijiang, Dali, Kunming, Yuanyang) & Xishuangbanna (Jingling). This was definitely not enough! Nevertheless, we now know it can be easily done without a common language. This introduction to China also was an immense eye opener and some of the negative concepts we had of this country we corrected or simply vanished!





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2 Responses to China – A Selection Of 54 Pictures

  1. Prue and Becks 2. November 2015 at 3:56 #

    You have brought back so many fond memories for us. Western China was a big challenge for us also but was it one of the biggest adventures of our lives… hell yeah it was!!! Every time a post of yours pops up in my feed, I know I will be getting fantastic imagery with a deeper meaning. Thank you


  2. Gilles Barbier 2. November 2015 at 7:22 #

    Thanks, Prue & Becks.
    Communication was especially challenging, as well as the huge cultural gap between rural China and our lives.
    But it was one of the most rewarding trips I ever did.
    Glad you likely pictures 😉 Been re-editing many of them in the last months…
    Cheers, Gilles

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