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Goat Market In Nizwa

Omani Woman at the Cattle Market in Nizwa on Friday Morning, Sultanat of Oman, Arabic Peninsula

Omani Woman at the Cattle Market in Nizwa on Friday Morning, Sultanat of Oman, Arabic Peninsula

Being there early is essential! Later in the morning, carloads of tourists roam the place. Even before the selling began, the round podium in the center of the roofed-in arena was filled with men dressed in white Dishdasha, looking elegant and important. A sudden noise of shuffling feet announced the selling and the crowd of humans and animals in the circle started moving. Soon the noise increased, as the men were calling out the price and touting the qualities of the goats, which they were dragging or carrying around this base. Continue Reading →


Nizwa – The Perfect Base

View of Nozwa Souq from Nizwa Fort, Sultanat of Oman, Arabic Peninsula

View of Nozwa Souq from Nizwa Fort, Sultanat of Oman, Arabic Peninsula

Nizwa is the perfect base. The fortresses of Jebreen, Bahla, Nizwa and numerous oases wait to be visited. We interrupted our tour of the oases around Nizwa only to get out of the worst heat of the day. Our first choice to do so, Al Hotta Caves, were closed for maintenance. The other option was the museum inside Nizwa Fort with is great display of clothes, tools, household equipment, jewelry, coins and simple furniture. Continue Reading →