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Lemberg – Little Vienna in the Ukraine

Lviv, or Lemberg as we call it in German, has been on my radar since I was a kid. I overheard elderly people talking about Austrian soldiers being in sent to Galicia as a punishment. Soldiers of the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy. I listened to stories of people wading in ankle-deep mud, a place at the end of the word, void of any signs of civilization. That got me interested.

Rynok Square surrounded by 44 pretty colorful houses of different styles and periods.

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Kiev – Between godly and worldly

The shining onion-shaped domes of  Lavra Monastery identify it from afar as an important center of Orthodox Christianity in Eastern Europe and are testimony of Kiev’s historic importance. Other musems are less godly, like the Motherland Museum heralded by a gigantic statue. It exhibits items from the Great War and more recent one, the war at its eastern border. The real bummer is the Museum of Corruption, which blows your mind. One of many residences for former president Yanukovych, he burned tax money for the most soulless homes.

Kiev Pechersk Lavra  –  Kiev Monastery of the Caves 11th century

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