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Monastery Hopping

Thikse Monastery or Thikse Gompa, Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmnir, India

Thikse Monastery or Thikse Gompa, Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmnir, India

Despite Our initial plan was to take it easy the first two days in Leh and get our bodies used to the 3.500 meters. But we simply could not resist. We rented a semi-automatic 125cc motorbike (Gilles has some experience with those) and off we went to see the monasteries around Leh. Another plan that failed was to leave so early that we would be able to attend the Puja (religious ceremony) at Thiksey Monastery at 06:00 am. By the time we reached Thiksey the ceremony was almost over and the steep climb up to the monastery added another question mark to this undertaking. Most discouraging though were the busses on the small parking lot. This meant quite a crowd visiting the Puja and the last thing we wanted in our photos were tourists taking photos of monks. So we decided to move on. Continue Reading →


Monastery Crawl On Lake Tana

Bet Maryam Monastery, Lake Tana, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Bet Maryam Monastery, Lake Tana, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

These 16th and 17th century monasteries do not look like anything we expect a monastery to look like. First of all, they are circular building. Straw maps shield the walkway that circles the very church. The top of the roof is adorned with a heavy iron cross, often decorated with ostrich eggs. The inside of these monasteries are decorated with the most spectacular colorful wall paintings, telling the story of the bible and many more legends. Continue Reading →


Ancient Monasteries Saying Farewell To The Blue Nile

Bet Maryam Monastery, Lake Tana, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Bet Maryam Monastery, Lake Tana, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

The picturesque town of Bahir Dar is the gateway to over 40 ancient monasteries that dot the shores and islands of Lake Tana. It is also the source of the Blue Nile, which fascinated ancient Egyptians and modern day explorers alike. Even 21st century tourists are still drawn in by the romanticizing tales and exotic flair. Continue Reading →