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Our Stay in Puerto Iguazu


"Garganta del Diablo" or "Devil's Throat", Iguazu Falls, Argentina

“Garganta del Diablo” or “Devil’s Throat”, Iguazu Falls, Argentina

Arriving in Puerto Iguazu from El Calafate in Patagonia was a real shock for the eleven of us: the cold was immediately replaced by humid tropical heat, reaching at times more than 40 degrees Celcius with almost 100% humidity.

Puerto Iguazu itself is a small town that lives off its proximity to one of the “Top 3” tourist destinations in Argentina. We stayed at Hotel La Sorgente, which provides comfortable rooms with AC and has a nice garden with a fairly sized swimming pool. We all enjoyed this oasis to relax after our long trips to the falls in the tropical heat.

The bad surprise came when we paid the bill: the price for the room was 42% higher than what was quoted at the time of the reservation. Gilles had overlooked a small sentence at the end of the eMail confirming the reservation, saying: “prices subject to changes”. Well, 42% is a significant increase and cannot be explained by the 9.8 percent of inflation in 2007 in Argentina. Besides, we had reservations for three other hotels for the time over Xmas and none asked for a higher price than the one originally quoted. The owner of the hotel acted completely stubborn and inflexible when we tried to work out a solution. We have never felt more obviously cheated during all of our five months of travel in South America!

"Paseo Inferior", Iguazu Falls, Argentina

“Paseo Inferior”, Iguazu Falls, Argentina

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