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Lebanon – Biblical Land, crossroads of civilizations and party zone

Lebanon once shaded by ancient Cedars trees breathes history. Every civilization from the Phoenicians to the French left their mark on the country, its culture and cuisine. In this blog entry I will give an overview of my ten day trip to Lebanon in October 2018 and a shorter trip in April 2019 when on my way to Syria. I was based in Beirut and did day trips to all the places describes in details in each link. Those who still think of Lebanon as a war torn country: the Civil War ended in 1990. Not one tiny second did I feel unsafe, not matter where I went.


Mosque, church and Roman ruins in the center of Beirut

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Quadish Valley – Christian Territory

The Quadish Valley is Christian territory,  many houses are marked by simple crosses and gigantic churches dominate the landscape. But the real highlights are the scenery, the monasteries hewn into step cliffs and the lovely mountain village of Bcharré. Byblos, the oldest town in the world and spectacular Jeita Grotto are sights on the way.

Quadish Valley – Christian territory with Village of Bcharré on top

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